Facebook Pages commonly uses now for Business purpose and also for Personally use but in recent time when many Facebook Business and Personal Fan pages have been hacked and also after that hackers were frequently using them. So, Facebook decided to delete all hacked pages from their server.
Typically, Admin try to access the page and if page normally hit and page creator make admin any one of them then that admin removes the creator. Normally creator makes admin because anyone will manage that page and page will be hit.
Why does it happen? Because they are no longer of admin of that page, and they have no long standing with Facebook pages and Facebook gives only a write to 'Report on Fake Profiles, Abusive languages, and with any kind of Violence' so, that's why admin removes the creator.
Why does it happen? Because they are no longer of admin of that page, and they have no long standing with Facebook pages and Facebook gives only a write to 'Report on Fake Profiles, Abusive languages, and with any kind of Violence' so, that's why admin removes the creator.
lets take a example Ali Naqvi is owner and director of 123vochercode.co.uk and he lost his page around 3 months and he had to pay a big cost of his business.
"We had 6,000 fans who were the genuine fans and daily followers of our page, they did take many kind of information from our fan page. The Insight of our page normally increase upto 10 to 20% traffic every month. He said- "Every month around about 50,000 visitors visit our site because of fan page and after that these statics went down"
After the help from Facebook Naqvi had restore to the starting new page but that was not a solution for him.
Many users believes that the original creator of page could not be and should not be removed, as started in its own help pages, but Facebook disagree with this term.
Source: Google
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