Saturday, November 12, 2011

Create Fan Page in Google Plus

As Facebook Earlier Launched their a Very Awesome and Amazing Feature of Fan Pages for your Websites, Blogs, Business, Organization etc. Now we can make a Fan Page in Google Plus.

Follow Steps

    • Choose your Page Category.

    • Check both check boxes and click on Create.
    • After, it Give a Small Description About your Fan Page.
      • After it, Upload a  Picture for your Fan Page.
      • Follow All the Steps, your page will be Create.

        Now Question is This If we want to Deleted Google + Fan Page. How can we do?

        Follow Steps

        • Go to the Home Page of your Google Plus Profile.
        • You will see a Drop Down Arrow Button just below your Profile Picture, Click on it and you will able to see your all fan pages. Click on Manage Your Pages

          • After it, Click on Delete, Our Google Plus Fan Page will be Delete.

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